L’activité normale du fond et de la société Herdade da Comporta comprend la cession régulière de parcelles de terrain. Cette activité continue et les personnes intéressées pourront se référer au site internet ci-dessous :
Une future cession des actions du fond et de la société Herdade da Comporta sera annoncée en temps utile par communiqué des curateurs sur ce site.
The normal activity of the fund and the company Herdade da Comporta includes the regular sale of plots of land. This activity continues and interested parties shall refer to the following website: Any future sale of shares of the fund and the company Herdade da Comporta will be announced in due time by the receivers on this website.
2. PROPERTY BRASIL S.A. – real estate
The normal activity of the fund and the company Herdade da Comporta includes the regular sale of plots of land. This activity continues and interested parties shall refer to the following website: Any future sale of shares of the fund and the company Herdade da Comporta will be announced in due time by the receivers on this website.
27 février 2015
RIOFORTE INVESTMENT HOLDING BRASIL S.A., une sous-filiale de Rio Forte Investments SA, détient 66% du capital de PROPERTY BRASIL S.A., une société dont l'objet social est le développement immobilier commercial ainsi que résidentiel, y compris les parcs logistiques et centres de distribution (pour plus d’informations veuillez vous référer au site internet www.propertybrasil.com.br). Outre la vente de ses actifs immobiliers dans le cadre de ses activités normales, un processus de vente des actions détenues par Rioforte Brasil dans PROPERTY BRASIL SA a été lancé. Tout processus de vente sera effectué par le conseiller indépendant RK Partners (www.rkpartners.com.br). A part les actions de PROPERTY BRASIL S.A., les sociétés LOGBRAS, CLAREIRA, PEDRA BRANCA ET GUARUJA peuvent aussi être acquises. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter daniel.abdo@rkpartners.com.br
RIOFORTE INVESTMENT HOLDING BRASIL S.A., a sub-subsidiary of Rio Forte Investments SA, holds 66% of the capital stock of PROPERTY BRASIL S.A., a company whose corporate purpose is the development of real estate (commercial and residential), including logistic parks and distribution centers (for further information please see www.propertybrasil.com.br/). Besides the sale of its real estate assets as part of the regular course of business, a formal process to attract potential interested parties in acquiring Rioforte Brasil’s shares of PROPERTY BRASIL S.A. has been launched and is underway. All sales processes will be conducted by the independent advisor RK Partners (www.rkpartners.com.br). Next to the shares of PROPERTY BRASIL S.A., assets that can also be acquired encompass LOGBRAS, CLAREIRA, PEDRA BRANCA and GUARUJÀ. For further information, please contact daniel.abdo@rkpartners.com.br
RIOFORTE INVESTMENT HOLDING BRASIL S.A., a sub-subsidiary of Rio Forte Investments SA, holds 66% of the capital stock of PROPERTY BRASIL S.A., a company whose corporate purpose is the development of real estate (commercial and residential), including logistic parks and distribution centers (for further information please see www.propertybrasil.com.br/). Besides the sale of its real estate assets as part of the regular course of business, a formal process to attract potential interested parties in acquiring Rioforte Brasil’s shares of PROPERTY BRASIL S.A. has been launched and is underway. All sales processes will be conducted by the independent advisor RK Partners (www.rkpartners.com.br). Next to the shares of PROPERTY BRASIL S.A., assets that can also be acquired encompass LOGBRAS, CLAREIRA, PEDRA BRANCA and GUARUJÀ. For further information, please contact daniel.abdo@rkpartners.com.br
1er avril 2015
Des processus de vente ont été lancés concernant les participations de RIO FORTE INVESTMENTS SA dans la société Herdade da Comporta – Actividades Agro Silvícolas e Turísticas , S.A. et dans le fonds immobilier Herdade da Comporta FEIIF.
BESI est le conseiller financier et PLMJ est le conseiller légal pour les deux processus, et les deux processus sont supervisés par un tiers indépendant. Les contacts avec des investisseurs potentiels sont prévus pour mi-mai et les offres sans engagement devraient être soumises jusqu’à mi-juin 2015.
Les parties intéressées sont priées de s’adresser à BESI (comporta@besinv.pt ou +351 21 330 95 68).
Formal sales processes of RIO FORTE INVESTMENTS SA’s participations in the company Herdade da Comporta – Actividades Agro Silvícolas e Turísticas , S.A. and in the real estate investment fund Herdade da Comporta FEIIF are being launched.
BESI is the financial adviser and PLMJ is the legal adviser for both processes, and both processes will be supervised by an independent third party. Contacts with potential investors are expected to begin in mid-May and Non-Binding Offers should be submitted by mid-June.
All interested parties shall please contact BESI (comporta@besinv.pt or +351 21 330 95 68).
Suite à la saisie de certains actifs de Rio Forte Investments S.A. (en faillite) et de ses filiales et sociétés affiliées, nous vous informons que les curateurs luxembourgeois ont pris contact avec les autorités portugaises, en particulier avec le DCIAP, afin de mettre en place des mesures de coopération.
En raison des procédures pendantes, nous regrettons de vous informer que les curateurs de Rio Forte Investments S.A. sont d’avis qu’ils n’ont pas d’autre option que de suspendre le processus de vente des actions détenues dans la société Herdade da Comporta – Actividades agro Silvícolas e Turísticas, S.A. et dans Herdade da Comporta – Fundo Especial de Investimento Imobiliário Fechado.
Following the seizure of several assets of Rio Forte Investments S.A., in bankruptcy, and of its Subsidiaries and Affiliates, we inform you that the Luxembourg receivers have been in contact with the Portuguese authorities, namely the DCIAP, in order to implement cooperation measures.
In light of the ongoing procedures, we regret to inform you that the receivers of Rio Forte Investments S.A. consider that they have no other option than to suspend the process for the sale of the participations held in Herdade da Comporta – Actividades agro Silvícolas e Turísticas, S.A. and in Herdade da Comporta – Fundo Especial de Investimento Imobiliário Fechado.
4. Companhia Brasileira de Agropecuária (« Cobrape ») - agriculture
BESI est le conseiller financier et PLMJ est le conseiller légal pour les deux processus, et les deux processus sont supervisés par un tiers indépendant. Les contacts avec des investisseurs potentiels sont prévus pour mi-mai et les offres sans engagement devraient être soumises jusqu’à mi-juin 2015.
Les parties intéressées sont priées de s’adresser à BESI (comporta@besinv.pt ou +351 21 330 95 68).
Formal sales processes of RIO FORTE INVESTMENTS SA’s participations in the company Herdade da Comporta – Actividades Agro Silvícolas e Turísticas , S.A. and in the real estate investment fund Herdade da Comporta FEIIF are being launched.
BESI is the financial adviser and PLMJ is the legal adviser for both processes, and both processes will be supervised by an independent third party. Contacts with potential investors are expected to begin in mid-May and Non-Binding Offers should be submitted by mid-June.
All interested parties shall please contact BESI (comporta@besinv.pt or +351 21 330 95 68).
13 mai 2015
Suite à la saisie de certains actifs de Rio Forte Investments S.A. (en faillite) et de ses filiales et sociétés affiliées, nous vous informons que les curateurs luxembourgeois ont pris contact avec les autorités portugaises, en particulier avec le DCIAP, afin de mettre en place des mesures de coopération.
En raison des procédures pendantes, nous regrettons de vous informer que les curateurs de Rio Forte Investments S.A. sont d’avis qu’ils n’ont pas d’autre option que de suspendre le processus de vente des actions détenues dans la société Herdade da Comporta – Actividades agro Silvícolas e Turísticas, S.A. et dans Herdade da Comporta – Fundo Especial de Investimento Imobiliário Fechado.
Following the seizure of several assets of Rio Forte Investments S.A., in bankruptcy, and of its Subsidiaries and Affiliates, we inform you that the Luxembourg receivers have been in contact with the Portuguese authorities, namely the DCIAP, in order to implement cooperation measures.
In light of the ongoing procedures, we regret to inform you that the receivers of Rio Forte Investments S.A. consider that they have no other option than to suspend the process for the sale of the participations held in Herdade da Comporta – Actividades agro Silvícolas e Turísticas, S.A. and in Herdade da Comporta – Fundo Especial de Investimento Imobiliário Fechado.
4 juin 2015
Companhia Brasileira de Agropecuária – Cobrape, a Brazilian sub-subsidiary of Rio Forte Investments S.A. located in the
Southwest of Tocantins State, in Formoso do Araguaia region, operates a total area of approximately 20.500 hectares
comprising rice and soybean production as well as cattle breeding activities for the production of calves and steers of
Nelore, Brahman and Bradford races. The company also engages in rice industrialization with leading position in the local
market through its own brands and soybean seeds processing.
A formal sale process to attract interested parties, conducted by the independent advisors Vinci Partners
(www.vincipartners.com) and Expofunding (www.expofunding.com.br), is being launched.
All interested parties shall please contact foura@vincipartners.com or bruno.maringoni@expofunding.com.br
A formal sale process to attract interested parties, conducted by the independent advisors Vinci Partners
(www.vincipartners.com) and Expofunding (www.expofunding.com.br), is being launched.
All interested parties shall please contact foura@vincipartners.com or bruno.maringoni@expofunding.com.br
6 avril 2016
The sales process of Cobrape has been executed in accordance with the predefined rules. No binding offer having been received, the process came to an end without the finalization of a transaction.25 avril 2017
Le processus de vente de la participation de RIO FORTE INVESTMENTS SA dans le fonds immobilier Herdade da Comporta FEIIF est lancé.
Haitong Bank agit comme conseiller financier et PLMJ comme conseiller légal pour ce processus. Il est prévu de commencer les contacts avec les investisseurs potentiels avant la fin septembre et les offres sans engagement devraient être soumises jusqu’au 15 novembre 2016.
Les parties intéressées sont priées de s’adresser à Haitong Bank (comporta@haitongib.com ou +351 21 330 95 68).
The formal sale process of RIO FORTE INVESTMENTS SA’s participation in the real estate investment fund Herdade da Comporta FEIIF is being launched. Haitong Bank is the financial adviser and PLMJ is the legal adviser for the process. Contacts with potential investors are expected to begin before the end of September and Non-Binding Offers should be submitted during the first half of November 2016.
All interested parties shall please contact Haitong Bank (comporta@haitongib.com or +351 21 330 95 68).
Le 10 juillet 2017, un contrat de cession de parts sociales et de créance a été signé avec clauses suspensives. Ces clauses suspensives n’ont pas pu être levées intégralement et la cession n’a pas pu être réalisée.
On July 10, 2017 a purchase and sale agreement has been signed with certain conditions precedent. Not all of these conditions could be satisfied and the sale has not been finalized.
Les parties intéressées sont priées de s’adresser à Haitong Bank (comporta@haitongib.com ou +351 21 330 95 68).
The formal sale process of RIO FORTE INVESTMENTS SA’s participation in the real estate investment fund Herdade da Comporta FEIIF is being launched. Haitong Bank is the financial adviser and PLMJ is the legal adviser for the process. Contacts with potential investors are expected to begin before the end of September and Non-Binding Offers should be submitted during the first half of November 2016.
All interested parties shall please contact Haitong Bank (comporta@haitongib.com or +351 21 330 95 68).
21 septembre 2016
Le 10 juillet 2017, un contrat de cession de parts sociales et de créance a été signé avec clauses suspensives. Ces clauses suspensives n’ont pas pu être levées intégralement et la cession n’a pas pu être réalisée.
On July 10, 2017 a purchase and sale agreement has been signed with certain conditions precedent. Not all of these conditions could be satisfied and the sale has not been finalized.
10 novembre 2017
Paraguay Agricultural Corporation S.A.("Payco Lux"), a sub-subsidiary of Rio Forte Investments S.A. en faillite, incorporated under Luxemburg law, owns 100% of Paraguay Agricultural Corporation S.A.("Payco Paraguay"), a company that operates certain agriculture, cattle and forestry assets in Paraguay.
A formal sales process to attract interested parties, conducted by the independent adviser EXAN Capital Realty LLC, is being launched. Contacts with potential investors are expected to begin during the 1st half of February.
All interested parties shall please contact EXAN (payco.acquisition@exancapital.com) or (+1 305 372 5263).
7. LUZBOA - energy
A formal sales process to attract interested parties, conducted by the independent adviser EXAN Capital Realty LLC, is being launched. Contacts with potential investors are expected to begin during the 1st half of February.
All interested parties shall please contact EXAN (payco.acquisition@exancapital.com) or (+1 305 372 5263).
26 January 2017
The sales process of Payco has been executed in accordance with the predefined rules. No acceptable offer having been received, the process came to an end without the finalization of a transaction.12 January 2018
Euroamerican Finance S.A., a wholly owned subsidiary of Rio Forte Investments S.A., holds 97,77% of the Brazilian companies Luzboa S.A., Luzboa Um S.A., Luzboa Dois S.A., Luzboa Três S.A. and Luzboa Quatro S.A. (“Luzboa”). These companies operate small hydropower plants, located in the state of Minas Gerais, with a portfolio that exceeds 80MW of installed capacity, out of which 2.8MW are operational.
The formal sale process of Luzboa is being launched. Contacts with potential investors are expected to begin during the second half of August. The process is being handled by Daemon Investimentos in the capacity of Financial Advisor. All interested parties shall please contact daniel.oczerny@daemoninvestimentos.com.br or andre.leite@daemoninvestimentos.com.br at Daemon Investimentos.
The formal sale process of Luzboa is being launched. Contacts with potential investors are expected to begin during the second half of August. The process is being handled by Daemon Investimentos in the capacity of Financial Advisor. All interested parties shall please contact daniel.oczerny@daemoninvestimentos.com.br or andre.leite@daemoninvestimentos.com.br at Daemon Investimentos.
10 August 2017